Advanced Drug Technologies for the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

The Cluster for Epigenomic and Antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) Therapeutics (CEAT) aims to advance a group of novel epigenetic drugs and ADCs to tackle ovarian cancer development and progression. CEAT is part of the Welsh Government and Industry backed SMART Expertise project part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

CEAT project key facts:

  • 4 year ERDF funded, SMART Expertise project

  • Total project value worth over £4.9m

  • Collaboration consisting of 7 Partners

  • Swansea University (lead), GSK, Axis Bio, Cytiva, Porvair Sciences, Bruker and Bivictrix

The CEAT project will help to prevent and treat ovarian cancer by:

  • Developing techniques to identify patients that will benefit from targeted epigenetic and non-epigenetic drug treatments

  • Advancing novel epigenetic drugs using cross cutting technology approaches.

  • Generating novel ADCs that are effective against ovarian cancer

The CEAT Project Launch took place in Swansea University on 4th February 2019

Left to right top row:

Anna Moberg, GE Healthcare; Lydia Powell, Swansea University; Marcos Quintella, Swansea University; Steve Conlan, Swansea University; Emenike Onyido, SU; Jay Jefferies, Welsh Government; Lewis Francis, Swansea University; Amy Johnson, Porvair Sciences; Catherine Maguire, Axis Bio;

Left to right bottom row:

David James, Swansea University; Jenny Worthington, Axis Bio; Tim Fagge, GE Healthcare; Deya Gonzalez, Swansea University; Zoe Coombes, Swansea University; Julia Davies, Porvair Sciences; Nicky Harker, GlaxoSmithKline.